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Week 7 Update

Moss Material

Moss Material

This week material creation was still on the go. I have now made my own moss material for vertex painting on top of my roof tiles. The previous week you may have seen I had a moss texture already in, this was simply an image I had got from goof just to test out the look of moss on the tiles. I then went ahead and use that image in my texturing process. I really liked how the texture showed good height and when converted to greyscale and really nice AO. However, I noticed there were rocks blended in with the moss, to combat this problem I converted the image to greyscale, then leveled the image so the stone and pebbles were a pure white I then used them as a mask to blend to of the original images together to get my final image. Afterward, I then multiply blended the two images below, the right image being the one I was just speaking about and the left image a really nice fine threaded moss, which is like the moss on Venice rooftops. Originally the person who tort me substance designer said not to start with images from the internet, but as my scene doesn't focus on the moss or the rooftops I thought producing a quick material shows efficiency in my material creation. 

Base Colour

Brick Material

This week miner tweaks were made to my brick material. I looked back at my previous versions and noticed that something just wasn't right about it. I looked at my reference imagery and found that I didn't capture the realistic brick look, so to change this I went ahead and added wear and chipping to the sides of the bricks and added more noise in the color and height.

Vertex Height Blending

Moving on to vertex painting now and as you may have seen in week 5 I had set up a very simple blueprint for vertex painting. This week I went and looked into height blending for my moss and wall plaster. I watched a couple of online tutorials and used what I had learned from them and implemented what I had learned into my blueprints. 

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