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Journeyman Project

The Journeyman project was a 2nd-year university project, in which we were set the challenge of creating a game with 19 random people. Within each team, there was a balance between artists and artists, as well as two out scouring teams which were the animation and character team. Each team had a lead and junior role for each area of the team, I was very kindly given the role of the lead artist. As a team, I was so happy with the final outcome and at the end of it all, I was glad to have met some great people which to this day I still keep in contact with. 

The Brief

We were given the challenge of creating a game in the style of Borderlands. The game its self had to be some sort of island that the player could not escape from. The setting of the game was set before all of the Borderlands games. Apart from these requirements, we had total creative freedom and had the ability to make a spin on the Borderlands game. 


The contents on this page are my contributions to the project


Asset List

Half Way Through.JPG
End Of Project.JPG

Texture Help Powerpoint


Space Creature

Gaint Muchrooms

Tree of life

Particle Effects




Art Pass

Terrain Sculpt and Materials

Title Designs

Game Trailer

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